It aims to ensure to the entities dedicated to social assistance, education and health care, as well as religious organizations, the benefits insured by legislation for the best development of its activities.
Support and consultancy for the creation and organization of third sector entities and religious entities;
Preparation of institutional documents, such as bylaws, minutes, regulations and rules of procedure;
Support for the choice and obtainment of certifications;
Support and consultancy in the preparation of contracts, agreements, instruments of partnership, promotion, in addition to others that may be used by the third sector and religious entities;
Support and consultancy related to tax, labor and administrative issues;
Monitoring of public hearings of interest to the third sector;
Support in the contact with public bodies, authorities and agents.
Support and consultancy for sponsors of educational entities in the obtainment and regulation of courses with the Ministry of Education (MEC), registration with Programa Universidade para Todos (PROUNI), Programa de Financiamento Estudantil (FIES) and other programs related to the higher education;
Support for the applications of the Children and Youth Statute (ECA), Statute of the Disabled Individuals and Social Inclusion in education institutions;
Defenses before Procon and other bodies related to Consumer Law;
Preparation and review of Educational Services Agreements and procedures of enrolment according to the Act 9.870/99 and Brazilian Civil Code;
Preparation and review of School and/or Academic Regulation according to the Brazilian Educational Laws and Guidelines, norms of MEC and State Secretariats;
Defense and monitoring of complaints and remaining related procedures involving acts performed by teachers, employees and students, particularly related to interpersonal relationship within the educational activity;
Judicial and extrajudicial collection of debts of school monthly fees.
The specialty of our law firm is the in-depth knowledge of the routines and specificities of the religious entities, regardless of their ideology and orientation, and we are able to provide support to entities, whether mixed or not, including their sponsors, social works, philanthropic education and health entities. Within the last decade, we collaborate with the defense of rights for the several forms of pronouncement of faith.